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“Fun With Annuities” The Annuity Man Podcast

Oct 11, 2022

In this episode, The Annuity Man and Branislav Nikolic discuss: 

  • Always look for the better deal 
  • Annuities are not an investment
  • Clearing the market before buying
  • Don’t buy the hope; buy the guarantee. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Don’t let someone show you just one product; shop them all because there’s always one better annuity than the others. You should constantly look for that to get the most optimal guarantees. 
  • Annuities are math. Know the benefits and the contractual guarantees and recognize that it’s not an investment but a transfer of risk. 
  • You should always be looking. What was good yesterday or the day before may not be good tomorrow. The message is six months from now, do your quoting again, see who's the best today and right, and go with it. You, as a consumer, will benefit from clearing the market before buying. 
  • Don’t buy the hope; buy the guarantee. Buy an annuity for what it is and should be, guaranteed income for life or as a tax-deferred investment vehicle. 

"To emphasize, annuities are not wealth maximizing. You’re not buying insurance to be better off; you’ll be better off in the case of an event. And then obviously, understanding that it's not all or nothing, that this is part of a bigger picture of having a portfolio of things that work for you, as opposed to just portfolio stocks and bonds." —  Branislav Nikolic.


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