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“Fun With Annuities” The Annuity Man Podcast

Jan 11, 2023

In this episode, The Annuity Man discussed: 

  • The fear of running out of money
  • Solving the fear of running out 
  • Is FORO more important the FOMO? 
  • Using math to address FORO 



Key Takeaways: 

  • Most of us didn’t grow rich. We saw what it was like to live in scarcity, and today, many of us still carry those scars. Despite having millions or a portion of that, some people might still feel poor and fear running out of money. 
  • If you’re worried about running out of money or won’t have enough in your retirement, consider looking into strategies that provide guaranteed lifetime income. 
  • The fear of running out is more important to address than the fear of missing out, especially for chapter two of your life. In addressing FORO with annuities, we’re solving for lifetime income or protecting the principal and peeling off the interest. 
  • One more way to address FORO is to do some math and remove the emotionally-charged memories from the equation. Annuities are math; they’re not hypotheticals. 



"The fear of running out can be solved with annuities in combination with the best annuity you have on the planet, which is Social Security and principal protection products and contractual guarantees. We can solve for the scars of scarcity." —  Stan The Annuity Man.


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