Feb 1, 2022
In this episode, The Annuity Man and Jeff Miller discuss:
Key Takeaways:
"They link the two - retirement and claiming as if they’re the same thing. If you got our reports, you will see when the optimal time is to claim - and we don’t ask you when you’re gonna retire… If you’re gonna do an optimization of this - that’s not directly relevant to the issue." — Jeff Miller.
Connect with Jeff Miller:
Website: www.socialsecuritychoices.com
Connect with The Annuity Man:
Website: http://theannuityman.com/
Email: Stan@TheAnnuityMan.com
Book: Owner’s Manuals: https://www.stantheannuityman.com/how-do-annuities-work
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXKKxvVslbeGAlEc5sra2g
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